Apteriks platform

We are hosted in Microsoft Azure Germany datacenters and make use of enterprise-grade network and security features to run and protect our services.

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We are hosted in Germany

Microsoft Azure datacenters in Germany are designed to meet the strictest EU data protection requirements and certifications.

We are PCI DSS compliant

We officially comply with the rules and regulations of Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

PCI DSS is a set of standards defining best security practices in 6 categories. It covers many topics ranging from the security of infrastructure all the way to processes, procedures and monitoring.

We use advanced encryption end to end

In contrast with majority of "SSL-enabled" websites on the internet we enforce the use of strongest encryption methods only. This includes clients, Sentinel agents and REST API requests without any exceptions. Your connection to Apteriks portal would be typically encrypted with TLS 1.2.


high availability

We do our best in protecting your data and ensuring the high availability.
Our availability is 99.9%.

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